Sunday, January 31, 2010

U.S. Money Stuggles

One of the biggest issues that governments across the world face daily is the issue of monetary security. With an ever growing debt, the United States is in this very boat, struggling to say above the surface. President Obama made it clear in his State of the Union address Wednesday night that a major goal of the years to come will be decreasing the federal deficit. In this effort, Obama already put a spending freeze on all government programs for three years. This freeze is estimated to save $10 to $15 billion by the end of 2011. But his was not enough for what Obama had in mind. He has proposed to cut approximately 120 government programs and agencies, saving roughly $20 billion a year. One such project that is likely to get cut is the Save America's Treasures programs, which works to restore historical buildings such as small town courthouses. However, even with these cuts, President Obama has still called for $200 million for security regarding the trials of suspected terrorist, such as the mastermind behind the September 11th attacks. This just shows that for each government program that is cut, something else that is equally important or more important comes up that must be paid for. So in reality, one must wonder about whether these cuts will really lower the deficit of the United States, or if they will just go towards new initiatives regarding the flailing country. Even if the debt is slowly lowered for the U.S., one must wonder what will happen once the agencies are reinstated - will be costs outweigh the revenue as it has throughout history, or will history change for the better? The link to the article is here.

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